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Welcome to Red River Outfitters

Mr. Keith Ronkowski, former Red River Marketing Instructor, created Red River Outfitters in 1975. Since then, the store has become a wonderful place for marketing students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to an actual retail business setting. When the school store opened, it was located in out-of-the-way places, bouncing around to wherever there happened to be room in a given year. When Red River was remodeled in 1994, a permanent location was created to be the home of the store. The store is now located in the commons area and has upgraded its selection of merchandise and advanced its technological devices. Red River Outfitters has continued to be the most successful school store in the state and has Mr. Ronkowski and the wonderful Red River marketing students to thank. We hope to continue our tradition of excellence for many years to come.

Red River Outfitters is student run and offers a variety of Red River merchandise. Student store managers are assigned by an application process. There are assistant store managers assigned every quarter to help with ordering and human resources.

We are able to accept all forms of payment. Gift certificates are available and can be purchased in the store. 

The school's store is a practical application of skills learned in the marketing program. Competitive events and awards may be received at state and national levels in DECA for running the school store.